Computer ports
The Computer ports for the reactor, turbine, and heat exchanger allow for users to monitor and control their entire Bigger Reactors based power generation system. For those who are familliar with big reactors, the peripheral names have changed only slightly, to "BiggerReactors_Reactor"
, "BiggerReactors_Turbine"
, and "BiggerReactors_Heat-Exchanger"
The below is simple going to be a commands list dump, not a tutorial currently
Reactor commands
main command | sub commands | return |
.active() | --- | true/false |
.ambientTemperature() | --- | value |
.apiVersion() | --- | value |
.battery() | 3 | nil if using active cooling |
--- | .capacity() | value |
--- | .producedLastTick() | value |
--- | .stored() | value |
.casingTemperature() | --- | value |
.connected() | --- | true/false |
.controlRodCount() | --- | value |
.coolantTank() | 6 | nil if using passive cooling |
--- | .capacity() | value |
--- | .coldFluidAmount() | value |
--- | .dump() | none, dumps coolant |
--- | .hotFluidAmount() | value |
--- | .maxTransitionedLastTick() | value |
--- | .transitionedLastTick() | value |
.fuelTank() | 7 | --- |
--- | .burnedLastTick() | value |
--- | .capacity() | value |
--- | .ejectWaste() | none, ejects waste |
--- | .fuel() | value |
--- | .fuelReactivity() | value |
--- | .totalReactant() | value |
--- | .waste() | value |
.fuelTemperature() | --- | value |
.getControlRod(value) | 6 | --- |
--- | .index() | value |
--- | .level() | value |
--- | .name() | string |
--- | .setLevel(value) | --- |
--- | .setName(string) | --- |
--- | .valid() | true/false |
.setActive(true/false) | --- | --- |
.setAllControlRodLevels(value) | --- | --- |
.stackTemperature() | --- | value |
Turbine commands
main command | sub commands | return |
.active() | --- | true/false |
.apiVersion() | --- | value |
.battery() | 3 | --- |
--- | .capacity() | |
--- | .producedLastTick() | |
--- | .stored() | |
.coilEngaged() | --- | true/false |
.connected() | --- | true/false |
.fluidTank() | 6 | --- |
--- | .flowLastTick() | value |
--- | .flowRateLimit() | value |
--- | .nominalFlowRate() | value |
--- | .setNominalFlowRate(value) | --- |
.fluidTank().input() | 3 | --- |
--- | .amount() | value |
--- | .maxAmount() | value |
--- | .name() | string |
.fluidTank().output() | 3 | --- |
--- | .amount() | value |
--- | .maxAmount() | value |
--- | .name() | string |
.rotor() | 2 | --- |
--- | .RPM() | value |
--- | .efficiencyLastTick() | value |
.setActive(true/false) | --- | --- |
.setCoilEngaged(true/false) | --- | --- |
Heat Exchanger commands
main command | sub commands | return |
.ambientInternalRFKT() | --- | value |
.ambientTemperature() | --- | value |
.apiVersion() | --- | value |
.condenser() | 8 | --- |
--- | .dump() | --- |
--- | .maxTransitionedLastTick() | value |
--- | .rfPerKelvin() | value |
--- | .temperature() | value |
--- | .transitionedEnergy() | value |
--- | .transitionedLastTick() | value |
.condenser().input() | 3 | --- |
--- | .amount() | value |
--- | .maxAmount() | value |
--- | .name() | string |
.condenser().output() | 3 | --- |
--- | .amount() | value |
--- | .maxAmount() | value |
--- | .name() | string |
.condensorEvaporatorRFKT() | --- | value |
.condensorInternalRFKT() | --- | value |
.connected() | --- | true/false |
.evaporator() | 8 | --- |
--- | .dump() | --- |
--- | .maxTransitionedLastTick() | value |
--- | .rfPerKelvin() | value |
--- | .temperature() | value |
--- | .transitionedEnergy() | value |
--- | .transitionedLastTick() | value |
.evaporator().input() | 3 | --- |
--- | .amount() | value |
--- | .maxAmount() | value |
--- | .name() | string |
.evaporator().output() | 3 | --- |
--- | .amount() | value |
--- | .maxAmount() | value |
--- | .name() | string |
.evaporatorInternalRFKT() | --- | value |
.internalEnvironment() | 2 | --- |
--- | .rfPerKelvin() | value |
--- | .temperature() | value |